Guide to the Microfilm Edition
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available.
This collection consists of the administrative records (1738-1916), almshouse records (1735-1911), temporary home records (1862-1925), and miscellaneous records (1733-1901) of the Boston Overseers of the Poor.
Historical Sketch
The Boston Overseers of the Poor were established by a colonial act in 1692, and incorporated in 1772. Under the provisions of the first city charter in 1822, one person was elected in each ward to be an Overseer of the Poor, totaling 12 Overseers. In 1864, it was voted that four Overseers be elected by the City Council in April of each year, to serve for three years. By 1886, four Overseers were appointed by the Mayor in February or March of each year for three-year terms, to be confirmed by the Board of Aldermen.
The Overseers provided relief in the form of food, fuel, medicines, and sometimes money, to "deserving" persons, provided that they were "settled" in Boston. The Overseers also provided relief at the expense of towns where needy people resided until the town took charge of them and relief to non-state residents for short periods until they were removed to State Almshouses.
By 1871, the Overseers of the Poor were in charge of the Charity Building (corner of Chardon and Hawkins Streets), a headquarters for numerous charitable organizations in Boston; and the Temporary Home for Women and Children. By 1881, they ran the Wayfarer's Lodge for destitute men. The Overseers also served as trustees for various charitable trusts. While at one time the Overseers were responsible for all types of relief, in 1823 their responsibilities were limited to "outdoor relief," or relief given outside of public institutions. The Commissioners of Public Institutions were in charge of "indoor relief," which primarily consisted of the State Almshouses.
Collection Description
The records of the Boston Overseers of the Poor include administrative records, almhouse records, temporary home records, and some miscellaneous and unidentified material. Administrative records (1738-1916), include financial records, warning-out books, memoranda, correspondence, and casebooks. Almshouse records (1735-1911), consist of admission and discharge registers, lists of inmates, deaths, indentures, accounts, and memoranda. Temporary home records (1862-1925), include lists of admissions, children and foundlings records, and adoptions. Miscellaneous material (1733-1901) includes City of Boston accounts of payments to various charities, partial lists of Boston residents, and legal material.
Processing Note
The boards were removed from the volumes before they were purchased by the Society, thus titles and descriptive materials were lost. Disbound volumes have been arranged and assigned titles by the Society.
Acquisition Information
Acquired by purchase, 1957, 1962.
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available.
Other Formats
This collection is available as digital facsimiles. The microfilm of this collection is available from Scholarly Resources, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Administrative records, 1738-1916Digital Content
This series contains financial records; warning out books, memoranda, letterbooks, correspondence, lists of persons receiving various types of charity, casebooks.
Lists of Overseers, 8 March 1742-1858
1 disbound (softbound) volume.Includes ward for each overseer.
Record of money granted at monthly meetings, 4 April 1738-1 March 1769
1 disbound volume.Also includes lists of overseers and blank forms and certificates on end leaves. Cash accounts include both charitable disbursements and business accounts.
"Warning [Out] Book from January 4, 1745 to 1770."
Arranged by date under the first letter of name.
Lists persons warned, date when warned, by whom warned, towns or country from and time they have been in Boston. Lists contain, in some cases, names of family members, race, etc.
Warning Out Book from 1771 to 1773 and from 1791 to 1792
Arranged by date under the first letter of name. Letter "A" and part of "B" are missing.
Lists persons warned, date when warned, by whom warned, towns or country from and time they have been in Boston. Lists contain, in some cases, names of family members, race, etc.
"Monthly Memorandums to the Board of Overseers from 3rd January 1816-[6th April 1825]."
1 disbound volume.Lists of persons in the lockroom; Bridewell; the Maniac House; and the [Alms]house. Also includes memoranda on appointments by the Board of Overseers and statistical information.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 9 November 1801-21 July 1810
1 disbound volume of 271 pages with partial index of towns.Letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse and accounts for maintenance.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 18 December 1816-19 July 1820
1 disbound volume of 288 pages.Copies of letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning the accounts of inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse. Some letters annotated to indicate the disposition of claims.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 19 July 1820-16 January 1824
1 disbound volume of 358 pages with a partial index of towns.Copies of letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning the accounts of inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse. Some letters annotated to indicate the disposition of claims.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 12 October 1825-18 January 1827
1 disbound volume of 350 pages with an index of towns.Copies of letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning the accounts of inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse. Some letters annotated to indicate the disposition of claims.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 23 January 1827-22 September 1828
1 disbound volume of 347 pages with an index of towns.Copies of letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning the accounts of inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse. Some letters annotated to indicate the disposition of claims.
Letterbook of the Overseers, 23 December 1836-14 September 1842
1 disbound volume of 371 letters with an index of towns.Copies of letters to the Overseers of the Poor of various towns concerning the accounts of inhabitants of those towns in the Boston Almshouse. Some letters annotated to indicate the disposition of claims.
Records of the notification of the Overseers of the Poor of varioustowns of the expenses incurred by their inhabitants in the BostonAlmshouse, 26 January 1820-21 November 1822
Annotated with notes of actions taken and expenses paid. 1 disbound volume of 156 pages with an alphabetical index of persons discussed in the notifications.
Records of the notification of the Overseers of the Poor of various towns of the expenses incurred by their inhabitants in the Boston Almshouse, 23 November 1822-21 March 1825
Annotated with notes of actions taken and expenses paid. 1 disbound volume of 77 pages with an alphabetical index of persons discussed in the notifications.
Correspondence, 1803-1805Digital Content
Arranged alphabetically by town in separate files for Boston inhabitants and the inhabitants of other towns.
Correspondence the Boston Overseers of the Poor (1803-1805) received from the Overseers of the Poor of various Massachusetts towns concerning inhabitants of other towns in the Boston Almshouse and the inhabitants of Boston in the almshouses of other towns. There are letters and documents received by the Overseers in an attempt to settle claims.
Correspondence regarding inhabitants of other towns in Boston almshouses includes the following towns: Barnstable, Beverly, Braintree, Gardner, Haverhill, Nantucket, Newbury, Newburyport, Portland, and Salem. Correspondence regarding inhabitants of Boston in almshouses outside of Boston includes the following towns: Abington, Andover, Cambridge, Canton, Dorchester, Medford, Otisfield, and Roxbury.
Correspondence, 1803-1805
Correspondence to Boston Overseers of the Poor from Barnstable, Bevery, Braintree, and Gardner, concerning inhabitants of towns other than Boston.
Correspondence, 1803-1805
Correspondence to Boston Overseers of the Poor from Haverhill, Nantucket, Newbury, Newburyport, Portland, and Salem, concerning inhabitants of towns other than Boston.
Correspondence, 1803-1805
Correspondence to Boston Overseers of the Poor from Abington, Andover, Boston, Cambridge, Canton, Dorchester, Medford, Otisfield, Roxbury, concerning inhabitants of Boston.
Cash accounts, 3 February 1814-3 March 1824, of the Overseers of the Poor
1 disbound volumeAccounts for funds disbursed for employee salaries, food, clothing, and sundries, including supplies for the Almshouse.
Cash accounts, 7 April 1824-25 September 1827, of the Overseers of the Poor
1 disbound volume.Accounts for funds disbursed for employee salaries, food, clothing, and sundries, including supplies for the Almshouse.
Cash accounts, 20 January 1832-24 September 1839, of the Overseers of the Poor
Accounts for funds disbursed for employee salaries, food, clothing, and sundries, including supplies for the Almshouse.
Cash accounts, 1 October 1839-31 December 1844, of the Overseers of the Poor
1 disbound volume.Accounts for funds disbursed for employee salaries, food, clothing, and sundries, including supplies for the Almshouse.
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor and quarterly lists of [pensioners?], [1821]-17 November 1852
1 disbound volume; preliminary leaves obscured by newspaper clippings that have been pasted into the volume.Lists of persons, amounts paid, and persons who received funds on behalf of others.
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, 16 May 1820-18 April 1825
1 disbound volume of 275 leaves with separate softbound index of towns and businesses.Accounts for charges to various towns and the State for the support of non-residents in the Boston Almsbouse and other money granted to non-residents.
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, [1829-1832]
1 disbound volume of 225 leaves with index of towns on preliminary leaves.Accounts for charges to various towns and the State for the support of non-residents in the Boston Almshouse and other money granted to non-residents. Also includes cash accounts with towns and monies paid to individuals on behalf of persons receiving relief.
Record book with list of state paupers; account of drafts on the Boston City Treasury; and estimates of appropriations, 1816-1866
1 volume. Images of the volume appear as one sequence and are not separated by section.Volume used for multiple records, appearing in the sequence outlined below. Copies of letters and documents including newspaper clippings have been tipped into the volume.
"State Paupers in Gaol from January 1816 to [26 November 1824]" (images 1-36)
Account of drafts on the Boston City Treasury, 28 April 1828-March 1852 (images 37-98)
Estimates of appropriations for the Overseers of the Poor, 1 May 1852-30 April 1866 (images 98-115)
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor [1846-1864] with various towns for the support of non-resident paupers receiving outdoor relief in Boston
Many pages are missing or blank. 1 disbound volume of 1-22; 63-64; 68-253 pages.Accounts arranged by town, not in alphabetical order.
Account with the City of Boston, 1 May 1864-31 January 1916, of the Overseers of the Poor
208 pages.Includes reciepts for disbursements from the City and bills and drafts drawns on the City.
Records of names of persons receiving clothing and sundries, items, and (in some instances) cost, 13 November 1806-30 December 1808
1 small disbound volume (incomplete: pp. 5-245).Also contains note of charges to town or state.
List of persons receiving payments by ward, 1839
1 disbound volume of about 36 leaves.Includes payments by month and total sum paid and days chargeable.
List of persons receiving relief, alphabetically arranged, [1839-1845]
1 small disbound volume.Includes information on the status of their residence (and place of residence, if other than Boston), age, occupation, and period during which they received payment.
List of persons receiving outdoor relief by ward, 1842
1 disbound volume.Includes information on money and wood received each month, place of settlement if other than Boston, and status ("aged," "lame," number of children, etc.). Also includes receipts for supplies and payments and manuscript additions and notes, signed by the overseer for each ward.
"Casebook" of persons receiving outdoor relief, [1849-1852]
1 small disbound volume of 139 pages.Entries include biographical information and status of settlement. Also includes other information on disbursements and status of persons through 1860.
II. Almshouse records, 1735-1911Digital Content
This series consists of almshouse records, including admission and discharge registers, lists of inmates, deaths, indentures, accounts, and memoranda.
Record book containing admissions and discharges; and list of children bound out, 1756-1790
1 bound volume containing two sets of records with indexes to each part. Images of the volume appear as one sequence and are not separated by section.Records of admissions and discharges, 9 November 1758-27 April 1774 (images 1-49; see also images 81-93 for index to the records of admissions and discharges)
List of children born, 17 August 1756- 1 May 1768 (images 53-55)
List of children bound out of the almshouse, 21 April 1756-20 January 1790, of what town, names of to whom bound, and when free. (images 63-78; see also images 57-62 for index to the list of children bound out)
Contains age, by whom sent in, and date of death if appropriate.
Records of Admissions to Almshouse, 14 February 1763-10 May 1771
1 small disbound volume.Some entries out of chronological order.
Contains name, date of admission, age, by whom sent in, and date of discharge or death. Also contains manuscript notes of financial matters and supplies for the Almshouse on end leaves (inventories of inmates' possesions).
Register of Admissions to the Almshouse, 12 December 1768-30 September 1788
1 disbound volume.Contains name, age, by whom sent in, city or town charge, and date of discharge or death.
Record book with register of admissions; and list of persons warned out of Boston, 1770-1795
1 disbound volume with two records and index. Images of the volume appear as one sequence and are not separated by section.Some entries out of chronological order.
Contains name, date of admission, age, by whom sent in, and date of discharge or death.
Register of Admissions to the Almshouse, 1 October 1788-30 July 1795. (images 39-196)
List of persons warned out of Boston, May 1770-31 July 1773. A true copy attested by Ezekial Goldthwait, Boston, Sept. 20, 1773, 39 pages. (images 1-37; note: manuscript pages include page number in upper corner and pages 17-18 are missing, they are not in the original manuscript volume)
Fragment of loose page, (image 218)
Records of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 1 April 1811-12 July 1812
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
Item removed from box 9 folder 5 to oversize box.
Records of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 18 July 1812-31 March 1814
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
Item removed from box 9 folder 6 to oversize box.
Record of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 1 April 1814-4 October 1816
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
Record of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 1 November 1818-30 June 1820
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
Record of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 1 July 1820-30 October 1822
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
Record of daily admittance and discharge of paupers, 1 November 1822-31 March 1825
1 soft bound volume.Contains name, date sent in, "where born or belong," by whom sent in, date bound out, discharged, or died.
List of "Names of Persons in the Almshouse." 17 August-27 September 1846
1 disbound volume. Some pages numbered; some page numbers repeat; some loose manuscript fragments.Chronological list: includes date of admission, age, status, and date of death or discharge (incomplete). Interleaved with list of deaths in the Almshouse, 2 April 1828-2 January 1842 (pp. 30-32).
Alphabetical list of admissions, 1795-1817
1 large disbound volume.Includes date of admission; charge on the state or [Boston]; "towns they belong to;"by what overseer entered; when discharged, died, bound out or run away; "time they have been here." End leaves contain list of persons for when notifications were sent to various Massachusetts towns to which they "belonged," together with a list of charges on those towns, 2 August 1797-24 December 1801 (3 leaves).
Alphabetical list of admissions, 1824-1873
1 large disbound volume.Includes date of admission; charge on the state or [Boston]; "towns they belong to;"by what overseer entered; when discharged, died, bound out or run away; "time they have been here." End leaves contain list of persons for when notifications were sent to various Massachusetts towns to which they "belonged," together with a list of charges on those towns, 2 August 1797-24 December 1801 (3 leaves).
Record book containing alphabetical list of admissions and discharges; and list of state paupers, 1815-1841
1 disbound volume of 72 numbered leaves in two parts. Images of the volume appear as one sequence and are not separated by section.Alphabetical list of admissions (selected?) and discharges from the Almshouse, [1815-1840], 39 leaves (incomplete). (images 2-68)
Also contains information on transient paupers.
Alphabetical list of state paupers, 1 January 1822-20 February 1841. (images 70-85)
Includes where born (leaves 61-73) and articles of clothing issued.
Statistical information on admissions and discharges from the Almshouse, June 1819-21 September 1821
1 small softbound volume.Daily accounts of charges of the State and City of Boston (total number); number of children and total number in the Almshouse.
Alphabetical lists of men and women inmates, bound dos-a-dos, [n.d.]
1 disbound volume in two parts.Contains notation of charge on State or town.
Alphabetical index of inmates, 27 November 1809
1 small disbound volume.Also contains list of boys in the Almshouse with dates of birth, status (on unnumbered interior leaves following preliminary alphabetical list), [1810]-1814.
List of inmates by room, [1816]
1 disbound volume.Separate list for Bridewell, African American inmates, "school" rooms, and hospital rooms.
Register and log of deaths, 5 January 1820-13 October 1846
1 small disbound volume with two sections.Images of the volume appear as one sequence and are not separated by section.Register of deaths in the Almshouse, 5 January 1820-12 April 1825
Includes age at death and "diseases of which they died."
Daily log of deaths, 2 April 1838-13 October 1846
Includes age, "where belong," and status of charge.
Record of indentures of inmates bound out, 1822-1837
1 disbound volume of bound-up retained copies of the indentures.Lists master, address and terms of the indenture. Printed forms completed in manuscript. These contracts apparently were not completed for various reasons.
"Rules and orders for the Management of the workhouse…," 28 May 1735
1 disbound volume.Bound with list of Overseers of the Poor, 1742-1764; copies of laws, rules and orders enacted for the employment of the poor, and accounts of the overseers of the workhouse, 1739-1771. Also contains copy of act of incorporation of the Trustees of John Boylston's charitable donations, February 1803.
Record of cash paid to inmates of the workhouse, 29 May 1794-20 December 1794
1 large disbound volume (incomplete; pp. 5-92)Item removed from box 13 folder 2 to oversize box.
Record of cash paid to inmates of the workhouse, 23 May 1796-5 November 1796
1 disbound volume (incomplete; pp. 2-64).Daily Account of Expenses, 2 January 1809-11 September 1811 (Incorrectly identified on microfilm as 1909-1911)
1 disbound volume.Includes staff payroll.
Cashbook, 1 January 1811-8 February 1817
1 disbound volume.Arranged by date.
Payments for services and accounts for supplies.
Cashbook, 21 December 1821-29 November 1823
1 disbound volume.Arranged by date.
Payments for services and accounts for supplies.
Cashbook, 1 June 1796-5 February 1817
1 disbound volume.Accounts with the City of Boston and the State. 55 numbered leaves with summary of account on unnumbered preliminary leaves.
Daily Memorandum Book, 1 January 1816-31 December 1834
Contains list of accounts examined; letters of application, etc. Applicants listed by date, with information on ward and amount applied for. Also contains notes and memoranda for various dates on end leaves.
Accounts with the State for the support of State Paupers in the Almshouse, 30 November 1808-1 June 1809; 30 November 1809-1 June 1810; 30 November 1812-1 December 1816; 1 December 1822-30 November 1824
14 facsimilies of disbound records.Includes name, where born, when/where came from, period in Almshouse, rate charged, clothing furnished, and burial expenses.
Boston Asylum Ledger, 1795-1806
1 small disbound volume of 127 numbered page openings.Accounts with the State and various towns for the support of inmates. Also includes accounts for supplies and service.
Boston Asylum Ledger, 1805-1812
1 small disbound volume with index of inmates on preliminary leaves.Accounts with the State and various towns for the support of inmates. Also includes accounts for supplies and service.
Boston Asylum Ledger, [1815-1823]
1 disbound volume of 275 numbered leaves with fragment (Q-Z) of index on preliminary leaf.Cash accounts with individuals and towns for the support of inmates.
III. Temporary home records, 1862-1925Digital Content
This series consists of the records of the Temporary Home for Women & Children, including admissions, records of children and foundlings, and adoptions.
Daily Admissions Records, 1 May-11 December 1862; 18 January-6 July 1863; 9 August 1863-4 March 1864
1 disbound volume of 3 pieces; pp. 168; 24-137; 172.Contain biographical information; marriage and health status; and disposition of the case.
Children and Foundlings Records, 1 May 1862-30 September 1868
1 disbound volume of 290 numbered, printed records completed in manuscript, with index of names on preliminary leaves.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Children and Foundlings Records, 9 October-18 December 1868
1 disbound volume of 11; about 250 blank forms.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Children and Foundlings Records, 23 December 1868-24 April 1878
1 large partially disbound volume of 301 forms.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Children and Foundlings Records, 21 May 1878-7 March 1883
1 partially disbound volume, forms 302-601. 596 in manuscript number.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Children and Foundlings Records (Continuation of 17.4), 7 March 1883-9 July 1886
1 partially disbound volume, 597-896.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Children and Foundlings Records, 24 November 1894-4 September 1925
1 disbound volume, 1217-?.Forms giving "biographical" and statistical information about foundlings and disposition of cases including the names and addresses of adoptive parents.
Register of Adoptions, 9 January 1868-16 August 1886
1 partially disbound volume of 29 pages.Name of adoptive parents, references, status of child. Printed forms completed in manuscript.
Register of Adoptions, 9 January 1868-16 August 1886, Duplicate of 18.3
1 disbound volume of 24 pages.Name of adoptive parents, references, status of child. Printed forms completed in manuscript.
IV. Miscellaneous and unidentified material, 1733-1901Digital Content
This series consists of miscellaneous material including City of Boston accounts of payments to various charities, partial lists of Boston residents, and legal material
City of Boston Accounts for payments to various relief and educational funds, 16 March 1803-April 1854
1 disbound volume of 83 pages.Alphabetical list of [Boston?] residents, [1850-1880], A-K only
1 partially disbound volume of 199 pages.Each entry consists of a name, address, occupation, and date. Most individuals are tradesmen; most dates given fall late in the year (incomplete).
Alphabetical list of names with ward, n.d.
1 disbound volume, pp. 26-144.Includes various cryptic marginal notations (incomplete).
Miscellaneous legal documents, 1733-1815
Includes printed forms completed in manuscript. 9 items. Subjects: Adams, Henry (1752 Jan.); Thacher, Peter (1805 Aug. 9); Ruggles, Samuel vs. Baldwin, Aaron (1815)
Miscellaneous fragments from throughout the collection and 1 printed broadside (market report), 1901-1861
6 pieces.Index
Subject | Reel | Box | Folder / Volume |
Accounts: see under specific institution. | |||
Adams, Henry | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Admissions: see under specific institution. | |||
Adoptions from Temporary Home | Reel 14 | Box 17 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 15 | Box 18 | Folders 1-4 | |
"Afro-Americans" in Almshouse | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Almshouse | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Reel 2 | Box 2 | Folder 1 | |
Almshouse accounts | Reel 2 | Box 2 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 3 | Box 3 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 4 | Box 4 | ||
Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 2-3 | |
Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 1,2,4 | |
Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 1 | |
Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 | |
Reel 12 | Box 14 | Folder 1-4, Volumes 4-5 (XT) | |
Reel 13 | Box 15 | Folder 1-3 | |
Almshouse, admissions and discharges in | Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 1-6 |
Reel 9 | Box 10 | Folder 1-5 | |
Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 11 | Box 11 | Folder 1-4 | |
Almshouse, children in | Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 1 |
Reel 9 | Box 11 | Folder 4 | |
Almshouse, deaths in | Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 1-6 |
Reel 9 | Box 10 | Folder 1-5 | |
Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 10 | Box 12 | Folder 4 | |
Almshouse, list of inmates | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 4 | |
Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 1-3 | |
Almshouse, payroll of staff | Reel 12 | Box 14 | Folder 1 |
Almshouse, supplies for | Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 2 | |
Reel 12 | Box 14 | Folder 2-3 | |
Almshouse, support of non-residents in | Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 2-3 |
see also Indentures | |||
Almshouses in other towns | Reel 4 | Box 4 | |
Appointments of overseers | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Appropriations for the overseers | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Asylum: see Boston Asylum | |||
Baldwin, Aaron | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Boston Almshouse: see Boston Asylum | |||
Boston Asylum, accounts | Reel 13 | Box 15 | Folder 1-3 |
Boston Asylum, supplies for | Reel 13 | Box 15 | Folder 1-2 |
Boston City Treasury, appropriations to overseers | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Boston City Treasury, disbursements | Reel 6 | Volume 3 (XT) | |
Boston City Treasury, drafts on | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1,Volume 3 (XT) |
Boston residents, partial list of | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 2-3 |
Boylston, John | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Bridewell | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Bridewell, list of persons in | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 5 |
Broadside, market report | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Casebook of persons receiving outdoor relief | Reel 7 | Box 8 | Folder 5 |
Cash accounts of overseers | Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 |
Cashbooks of almshouse | Reel 12 | Box 14 | Folder 2-4 |
Charitable disbursements of overseers | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 1-3 | |
Reel 7 | Box 8 | Folder 1-5 | |
City of Boston, accounts | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1,Volume 3 (XT) |
Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 1 | |
City of Boston, charitable disbursements | Reel 6 | Volume 3 (XT) | |
Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 1 | |
City Temporary Home, admissions to | Reel 13 | Box 16 | Folder 1 |
City Temporary Home, children and foundling records | Reel 14 | Box 17 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 15 | Box 18 | Folder 1-2 | |
City Temporary Home, register of adoptions | Reel 15 | Box 18 | Folder 3-4 |
Claims, disposition of | Reel 2 | Box 2 | Folder 2-4 |
Reel 3 | Box 3 | Folder 1-2 | |
Reel 4 | Box 4 | ||
Correspondence, of overseeers | Reel 3 | Box 3 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 4 | Box 4 | ||
Reel 6 | Box 4 | ||
Deaths, diseases causing | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Deaths in almsouse: see Almshouse | |||
Disbursements, charitable | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 1-3 | |
Disbursements, from the City of Boston | Reel 6 | Volume 3 (XT) | |
Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 1 | |
Discharges from almshouse: see Almshouse | |||
Diseases causing death | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 4 |
Educational funds, payments to | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 1 |
Employee salaries | Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 |
Foundlings: see City Temporary Home | |||
Gaol, list of state paupers in | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Indentures | Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 1,5,6 |
Reel 9 | Box 10 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 1-2 | |
Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 5 | |
Indentures, contracts of | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 5 |
Jail: seeGaol | |||
Ledgers, of Boston Asylum | Reel 13 | Box 15 | Folder 1-3 |
Legal documents, miscellaneous | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Letterbooks of overseers | Reel 2 | Box 2 | Folder 1-4 |
Reel 3 | Box 3 | Folder 1-2 | |
Lockroom | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Maniac House | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Market report (broadside) | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 5 |
Memoranda to overseers | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Memorandum book of almshouse | Reel 12 | Volume 4 (XT) | |
Money granted at monthly meetings | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 2 |
"Negro" inmates in almshouse | Reel 11 | Box 12 | Folder 3 |
Newspaper clippings | Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 | |
Non-residents, support of | Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 2-3 |
Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 2 | |
Non-residents, in almshouse | Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 2-3 |
Overseers, list of | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 1-2 |
Overseers, accounts | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 2 |
Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 | |
Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 1-3 | |
Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 2, Volume 3 (XT) | |
Reel 7 | Box 8 | Folder 1,2,4 | |
Overseers, appointments of | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Overseers, memoranda to | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 3 |
Overseers, wards | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 1 |
see also Charitable disbursements, Correspondence, Letterbooks | |||
Outdoor relief | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 2 |
Reel 7 | Box 8 | Folder 4-5 | |
Paupers, state, list of - in gaol | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 |
Paupers, support of - in almshouse | Reel 12 | Volume 5 (XT) | |
Paupers, transient | Reel 9 | Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Pensioners | Reel 5 | Box 6 | Folder 1 |
Ruggles, Samuel | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Rules of the workhouse | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Salaries of employees | Reel 4 | Box 5 | Folder 1-4 |
State paupers, list of - in gaol | Reel 6 | Box 7 | Folder 1 |
State paupers, support of - in almshouse | Reel 12 | Box 14 | Folder 6 |
Temporary Home: see City Temporary Home | |||
Thacher, Peter | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Tradesmen, list of - in Boston | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 4 |
Transient paupers | Reel 10 | Box 11 | Folder 3 |
Trustees of charitable donations, act of incorporation | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Wards, list of names | Reel 15 | Box 19 | Folder 3 |
Wards, list of overseers | Reel 1 | Box 1 | Folder 1 |
Warning out books | Reel 1 | Volumes 1-2 (XT) | |
Warning out books, list | Reel 8 | Box 9 | Folder 4 |
Workhouse, accounts | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Workhouse, cash paid to inmates | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 2-3 |
Workhouse, rules of | Reel 12 | Box 13 | Folder 1 |
Materials Removed from the Collection
The following Charlestown and Roxbury records were removed from this collection in August 1981 and separately stored and cataloged in the Massachusetts Historical Society:
Charlestown (Boston, Mass.) tax lists, 1780-1789.
Charlestown Overseers of the Poor records, 1847-1873. Digitized collection
Roxbury tax lists, 1795-1803.
Roxbury almshouse records, 1845-1912; bulk: 1845-1865. Digitized collection
Preferred Citation
Boston Overseers of the Poor records, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.